Newest products

Established Xitanium SR driver standard to make a simple two- wire connection between sensor and driver, thus eliminating the need for multiple components and auxiliary devices. The result is a cost effective and easy to design-in solution ideal for energy savings. An intuitive app makes configuration and commissioning during. Vivitar on trend consumer electronics digital cameras, action cameras,hair tools, beauty tools, smart home, optics, steam toys, daily deals.


ESD protection for In-vehicle networks
  1. LED driver Datasheet LED drivers – mini Xitanium 10W/m 0.35A 30V SC 230V Enabling future-proof LED technology Xitanium LED drivers are designed to operate LED solutions for general lighting applications. Reliability is enhanced by features that protect the connected LED module, e.g. Hot wiring, reduced ripple current and thermal derating.
  2. Drivers and will bring signi˝cant improvement in programming, assembly into a luminaire and electrical performance. One of the key features is SimpleSet®, an easy and fast way to con˝gure the driver without the need to power the driver. Datasheet Xitanium Outdoor LED Drivers Independent 1-10V Xi LP 220W 0.3-1.05A S1 230V I230C Bene˜ts.
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650 V, 35 mΩ Gallium Nitride (GaN) FET in a TO-247 package


2-bit bidirectional multi-voltage level translator; open-drain; push-pull

Application highlights

IVN protection

Signal integrity and robustness is critical for in vehicle communications

USB4 connectivity

USB4 raises the requirements for optimized ESD protection

5G macro cells

5G infrastructure requires the smallest, most efficient power supplies

Top documents

Package Innovation


Power and efficiency in innovative SMD copper-clip packages

DSN0402B (SOD992B)

Leadless tiny package; 0.43 mm x 0.23 mm x 0.12 mm

E.c.a. Holding B.v Driver Download

Automotive DFN packages

The compact package standard with side-wettable flanks for small and light automotive diodes and transistors

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E.c.a. Holding B.v Driver Download Windows 10

People work here because our plans come to life. We have some ideas that are just too beautiful not to make realJoep from Nijmegen – Innovation Manager Equipment & Automation TechnologiesJoin TeamNexperia