Download Main JAWS Installer and Use the /Layout Command Line Option. Instead of downloading the offline installer, which contains all languages and is a large download, you can run the JAWS setup executable with the /Layout command line argument. Download Freedom for Mac, Windows, Android, iOS, Chrome, or Linux. Install Freedom on all of your devices, and block distracting websites, apps, or the entire internet. Also find our Chrome, Firefox, and Opera browser extensions for the complete Freedom experience.
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Download Main Fusion Installer and Use the /Layout Command Line Option
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Instead of downloading the offline installer, which contains all languages and is a large download, you can run the Fusion setup executable with the /Layout command line argument. This command downloads the non-embedded installer files and creates a copy of the setup package in the folder specified. This allows a user to run the setup package and perform an installation or repair on an offline computer. To do this, the setup package and installer files must be in the same folder.
If there are spaces in the path to the folder, the path must be enclosed in quotes.
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c:package.exe /Layout 'c:FS setupOfflineSetup'
The installer files are downloaded to the c:FS setupOfflineSetup folder.
By default, the Layout option downloads the language that matches the operating system language. If you need to install a different Fusion language on a computer, you can use the /Language command line argument in conjunction with /Layout and specify the three letter language code you want to download.
c:package.exe /Language enu /Layout 'c:FS setupOfflineSetup'
The installer files for the English version of the product are downloaded to the c:FS setupOfflineSetup folder.
The following language codes are supported:
- Arabic: arb
- Brazilian Portuguese: ptb
- Dutch: nld
- English: enu
- French: fra
- French Canadian: frc
- German: deu
- Hebrew: heb
- Hungarian: hun
- Italian: ita
- Norwegian: nor
- Russian: rus
- Spanish: esn
- Swedish: sve
Download Full Fusion Offline installer
The offline installer for Fusion is intended to be used in secure environments such as a company or government agency where you need to install Fusion on one or more computers that are behind a firewall with restricted Internet access. This installer is very large. If you intend installing on the same computer you are using to download Fusion, there is no reason to download the offline installer.
- Select the appropriate link at the end of this procedure to download Fusion and save it to a location such as a USB drive.
- Run the executable from the computer with restricted Internet access and follow the instructions to install Fusion.
- Download and double-click FreedomSetup.dmg
- Drag to Applications Folder
- Launch and log in
Supported systems
- 10.8 and later
Need more help?
- Download and double-click FreedomSetup.exe
- Follow Freedom installer instructions
- Launch and log in
Supported systems
Freedom Zoostorm Driver Download For Windows
- Windows Vista
- Windows 7 and later
Need more help?
- Launch the App Store to download Freedom
- Install and log in
- Follow instructions to install the app blocker
Supported systems
Freedom Zoostorm Driver Download For Windows Xp
- iOS 9 and later
Need more help?
- Launch the Play Store to download Freedom
- Install and log in
- Follow instructions to start blocking apps
Supported systems
- Android Version 5.1 and later
- Kindle via the Amazon App Store
Need more help?
We support ChromeOS via our browser extension, which enables you to block websites.
Install Chrome ExtensionWe support Linux via our browser extension, which enables you to block websites.
Install Chrome ExtensionCalming Browser Extension
Install our browser extension to display a calming green 'blocked' screen on blocked sites.
Install Chrome ExtensionOur browser extension requires the Freedom Desktop app to work on Mac.Windows. Also available for other browsers.
Free Browser Extension Apps
We've built a number of browser extensions that complement Freedom. These extensions are currently supported on Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Opera. Install them and give them a try - they're free!
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Pause momentarily before visiting a distracting website.
Install PauseLimit
Limit allows you to limit your time spent on distracting websites.
Install LimitInsight
Insight shows you where you are spending your time online.